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What You Need to Know

What is Votiva vaginal rejuvenation?


Votiva is a simple and quick nonsurgical procedure that is changing the lives of women who have experienced with vaginal laxity. The symptoms can range from painful dryness, unpleasant sexual intercourse, a feeling of being too loose inside, bladder leakage, itching and more. Votiva promotes healthy tissue growth by restoring the collagen in the deep layers of the tissue. It rejuvenates tissue and alleviates many common symptoms that women experience after childbirth, menopause, aging, cancer treatments and more. It is a safe and effective way to restore tissue without added hormones.


Vaginal rejuvenation can treat:


• Low blood flow and sensitivity

• Pain sensation caused by labial hypertrophy

• Decrease in sexual interest and self-esteem

• Vaginal laxity and wrinkled appearance of labia and vulva

• Stress urinary leakage with coughing or laughing or jumping

• Vaginal dryness

• Sexual dysfunction or pain

• Excess labial tissues

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The goal of the procedure is to reduce the labia minora so that they don't hang below the hair-bearing labia majora. A labiaplasty may be performed to reduce asymmetry when one is longer than the other, or, more commonly, to reduce the length of both labia so that the labia no longer twist, tug or fall out of a bathing suit.


Preventive use


Women can use Votiva anytime in their adult life to alleviate symptoms, however one of the most effective ways to use this technology is to have a treatment just 6 weeks after childbirth as a preventive approach. Our research indicates that having a preventive treatment can lift the vaginal floor and prevent many of the negative symptoms from occuring, such as bladder leakage, loose tissue, itching or burning, and more. By restoring the health of the tissue, we can prevent the dryness that many women experience after childbirth.

How Do You Know It’s Right For You? It can work well for those who have undergone menopause, those who have given birth, those who are experiencing symptoms similar to post menopause because of breast cancer treatments or a hysterectomy, and many others. If you feel it could be right for you, get in touch with us today.

What Does The Procedure Feel LIke? Votiva uses a laser that emits heat so there is virtually no pain. You may feel a mild heating sensation and some users mention mild discomfort as the device is inserted for the first time. Most women will say that the sensation is very much like having an annual exam. There is no downtime with this procedure, which takes about 45 minutes to perform. Many women say they notice improved function right way, with continued improvement over a period of a few months. The full extent of the results take up to 12 weeks to be noticeable.

How Should I Plan For My Procedure? You’ll start with a consultation with the doctor. You can do this with your annual exam, or schedule a FREE CONSULTATION to find out if you are a good candidate. There’s no downtime for the procedure, so many women elect to have their first treatment on the same day – if appointments are available. You may want to plan to have a couple of days off work – or plan around a period when your time is flexible. You’ll get a short list of post-procedure suggestions to help encourage new tissue growth.


Are There Other Procedures That Use This Technology Yes! Votiva has a counter part that can also dramactically change the appearance of your exterior labia area. For women who have enlarged vaginal lips, Femtite can dramatically reduce the size of the tissue without cutting or surgery. It could restore your vaginal appearance similar to the look you had prior to childbirth or menopause. We also offer many skin resurfacing and body contouring procedures, including Bodytite and Facetite.


Labiaplasty is a procedure that can be done under either local anesthesia with oral sedation or under general anesthesia.




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